Design & Health 2017
12. – 16. Juli 2017
The Design & Health World Congress & Exhibition is the leading global forum supporting a continuous dialogue between researchers and practitioners in the field. It is a five day event, which includes a three day conference, a Gala Awards dinner and study visits, delivered in partnership with governments and leading professional bodies, academic institutions, health providers and industry sponsors from around the world.
Wimmer-Puchinger was invited to speak about the concept and implementation of health in all policies. The abstract to her talk reads as follows:
Facing the Future challenges of raising Health and Social Inequalities, combined with poor health literacy and low social capacity in the Society, means that almost all fields of policies are to be involved. An important key to ensure better Health lies in the Strategies of „health in all policies” (HiAP), as a collaborative approach to improve population health by incorporating health considerations into decision-making across all relevant policy arenas. Elements in all relevant policies like Finance, Education, city planning, environment, housing, transport, energy etc. are to support intersectional collaboration, benefit of multiple partners, creation of structural change and promote health, equity and sustainability. All sectors should reflect on the health impact of their activities, (Health Impact Assessment, HIA). Facing this approach, the topics of salutogenetic designs are of prominent importance.